The Publican's 30th Birthday: Andrew Palmer

Andrew Palmer, former editor of The Publican Newspaper, helps mark The Publican Newspaper's 30th Birthday.What were you doing 30 years ago?In 1975, I...

Andrew Palmer, former editor of The Publican Newspaper, helps mark The Publican Newspaper's 30th Birthday.

  • What were you doing 30 years ago?
  • In 1975, I was 15 years old, writing for my school magazine and developing the generally obnoxious characteristics (inquisitive, blunt, determined, highly critical, unafraid to tackle vested interests) that make for a good editor but a flawed human being
  • What has been the biggest change in the pub industry in the past 30 years?
  • The decline in demand for session beers and the dual challenge of an increasingly prosperous and socially-aspiring society, entranced by other more professional sectors competing for the 'leisure pound'. This has challenged the pub trade to introduce the concept of retail standards - cleanliness, customer service, female-friendly - and widen the product offering.
  • Which individual has had the biggest impact on the pub trade in the past 30 years?
  • Tim Martin showed that the money's in retailing, not brewing
  • What are the biggest challenges facing the industry over the next 30 years?
  • The immediate problems are headlining-hunting politicians, and an irredeemably stupid national press pursing what it believes to be 'popular causes' purely for commercial gain. Similarly, the immediate problem is to ensure that the new authorities understand the spirit of the licensing law which is to free-up a restrictive practice in order to meet consumer demand in a socially responsible manner.
  • When did you first read a copy of The Publican?
  • In March 1991 when I was headhunted to edit the paper, which had just gone weekly from being a fortnightly magazine.

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