Last week's leader focused on the delays in putting new lice

From talking to senior pubco operators and a number of trade experts, it's clear that despite all that publicity about the licensing changeover, all...

From talking to senior pubco operators and a number of trade experts, it's clear that despite all that publicity about the licensing changeover, all that mailshotting by councils, and all those acres of coverage in the trade press, there are still probably thousands of licensees who are just not getting the message about the need to start applying.

Amazingly, many licensees are totally blasé about the application process. They are telling anyone who inquires that they don't need to start putting pen to paper until the day before 6 August. Their feeling is that their grandfather rights are guaranteed, so what's all the fuss about? It beggars belief that any licensee can be so stupid. What these misguided fools are doing is jeopardising their entire livelihoods, and exposing themselves and their families to potential ruin. These inhabitants of another planet seem to believe that applying for their new licence is just a question of knocking off a few ticks here and there, and waiting for the thumbs-up from their council. It is not.

For those who've not been paying attention, the form is not limpidly clear and nor can it be completed over a tea-break. And there's also the question of getting an architect to draw up a set of pub plans for you. And placing an advert in your local paper, if you're seeking extra hours or variations.

The whole process has some tricky complications, none of which is at all insurmountable as long as you take care and time filling in the 20-odd pages. And to be safe, it's as well to take advice. And that, of course, takes time.

Last week, we reported that a leading legal firm had closed its books to new licensing form work because it can't guarantee getting licences approved in the time left. If that signal doesn't make head-in-the-sand licensees wake up, perhaps this will. Just remember that your pubco will go on collecting the rent, even if you've not got a new licence. Get them in now!

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