National nous
JENNINGS: Many smaller regional brewers steer away from producing lager because of the costs involved in advertising and marketing a product that demands high-profile consumer credibility. Smaller companies say they simply cannot afford the sort of costs that are synonymous with national brands such as Carling, Stella and Carlsberg. And Cumbria brewer Jennings based at the Castle Brewery in Cockermouth is one of those. Jennings' managing director Mike Clayton observes: "Lager demands a high profile and while we could easily produce it at our brewery, it would demand a huge investment in advertising and marketing. The lager market is dominated by national brands so it makes sense for us to offer these to our licensees who can benefit from the heavy promotion that the Stellas and Carlings of this world receive." Jennings currently offers Carling, Stella, Foster's and Carlsberg on its Inn Ventures-leased pubs portfolio. Up to the mid-1990s, Jennings stocked regionally-produced Ayingerbrau, produced in north Yorkshire by family brewer, Sam Smith's. When the supply agreement ran its course, the company turned to one of the national players, Whitbread, to supply Heineken and Stella to its pubs. Sales instantly soared throughout the estate. Brands: None