Smoking Ban

What's in the news 30 August?

'Why penalise us again?'

By Ed Bedington

The MA's Ed Bedington met up with Only a Pavement Away founder Greg Mangham to get his take on the week's events.

Outdoor smoking ban needs a rethink


Proposed ban a serious worry for sector

By Ed Bedington

There’s a degree of inevitability about the leaked reports that the Government is considering a ban on smoking outside, a move that will impact heavily on pub gardens.

Poll results: public opinion is split over smoking rooms according to Forest

Public split over smoking rooms in pubs

By Michelle Perrett

The public is split on whether to allow separate, well-ventilated smoking rooms in pubs, according to a survey by Forest, the pro-smoking group.  

'Kick in the teeth': Forest publishes report on smoking ban and its impact on pubs

Pro-smoking group calls for review 10 years after ban

By Georgina Townshend

A pro-smoking campaign group has called on the Government to review the impact the smoking ban had on pubs, and to “consider alternatives to the policy”, as the UK approaches its 10-year anniversary.

Smoking ban is 10 years old in Wales

10 years since Welsh smoking ban

By Georgina Townshend

Ten-years-ago publicans in Wales were exceptionally nervous and uncertain about their future as the smoking ban came into force on April 2 2007.

UKIP calls for smoking ban to be scrapped

Scottish manifesto

UKIP calls for smoking ban to be scrapped

By Oli Gross

UKIP has called for the smoking ban to be scrapped in an attempt to reverse laws that "pushed people away from their local and into the supermarkets".

The public want smoking rooms in pubs...could it happen?


The public want smoking rooms in pubs...could it happen?

By Helen Gilbert

It has been eight years since the smoking ban was introduced in England, yet the thorny topic has reared it head once again after recent research unearthed public support for amending the legislation. PMA reports.

Sales of e-cigarettes are on fire

E-cigarettes in pubs - to vape or not to vape

By Phil Mellows

The explosion in the use of electronic cigarettes has handed pub operators a dilemma in terms of whether or not to allow ‘vaping’ indoors. The Publican's Morning Advertiser takes a look at the practice and analyses the latest tobacco trends

Pub smoking area tips

Top tips on pub smoking shelters

By Poppleston Allen

The smoking ban had a dramatic effect on the pub trade as operators up and down the country were tasked with ensuring that customers could still enjoy a cigarette as well as a pint. Many premises provide designated smoking areas or smoking shelters but...

One in five visit pubs more often after smoking ban

One in five visit pubs more often after smoking ban

By John Harrington, M&C Report

More than one in five British people (22.4%) say they visit the pub more frequently than they did before the smoking ban, according to a new survey of 4,817 UK pub customers by Market Force Information.

Meal-for-£1 host vows to quit trade

Meal-for-£1 host vows to quit trade

By Adam Pescod

A Staffordshire licensee who had been attempting to keep his pub afloat by selling meals for one pound has had to call time on the business amid falling profits and upwardly spiralling costs.

Living Rooms: They’re the new Smoking Rooms

Living Rooms: They’re the new Smoking Rooms

By Mark Daniels

So David Cameron has announced that he supports the smoking ban and thinks that it has worked — cue every smoking zealot spouting figures to the contrary, and everybody else telling them to shut up and get on with it.

Mark Daniels: Would support a repeal of the smoking ban

There's A Reason We Have Ashtrays...

By Mark Daniels

Licensee Mark Daniels would vote for a repeal of the smoking ban so he can spend more time playing on his PlayStation and less time picking fag ends out of his pansies.

Campaigners want ventilated rooms

MPs hold event to change smoking ban

By Jessica Harvey

MPs from the three main political parties joined forces on Wednesday to support the Save Our Pubs & Clubs campaign to change the smoking ban....

Smoking ban: DoH report

Smoke ban: no clear adverse effect on industry

By John Harrington, M&C Report

The smoking ban has had "no clear adverse impact on the hospitality industry", according to a report commissioned by the Department of Health....

Smoking ban: no review of legislation

'No evidence smoking ban has closed pubs'

By Ewan Turney

There is little, if any, evidence that the smoking ban had led to pub closures, according to the Government. Health minister Anne Milton reiterated...

Smoking: ban amended in Netherlands

Netherlands amends smoking ban in pubs

By Lesley Foottit

The Netherlands has become the first European country to overturn its smoking ban — by allowing more than 2,000 pubs to re-introduce smoking.

Smoking ban: MPs lobbying Government

MPs give boost to smoking campaign

By John Harrington

A Tory MP is using the weight of MPs' support for relaxing the smoking ban to lobby the Government to look again. A total of 86 MPs voted in favour...

Nuttall with David Cameron: wants freedom of choice on smoking ban

MP's bid to relax smoking ban fails

By John Harrington

An MP's bid to change the law to let pubs offer separate smoking areas has failed at the first stage. MPs today voted against the Ten Minute Rule...

Smoking ban: licensees want choice

LVA lobbies MPs on smoke ban relaxation

By John Harrington

A Sussex-based trade body has written to three local MPs urging them to back a bid to relax the smoking ban. The 1066 LVA, based in Hastings, is...

Smoke ban is main reason for closure of pubs, says new research

Smoke ban 'is main cause' of pub losses

By Phil Mellows

New research claims shock proof that the smoking ban has been the main cause of pub closures in the UK. CGA data has been manipulated by CR...