UKIP calls for smoking ban to be scrapped

UKIP has called for the smoking ban to be scrapped in an attempt to reverse laws that "pushed people away from their local and into the supermarkets".

In its Scottish manifesto Nigel Farage’s party states that the smoking ban has been ‘disastrous’ for pubs and. It also calls for Scotland's drink-drive limit to return to the level used across the rest of the UK.

“The local pub has been a long standing tradition in Scotland and elsewhere in the UK," the manifesto states. "However, changes in law have pushed people away from their local and into the supermarkets to buy cheap alcohol.”

Smoking rooms

UKIP proposes to allow pubs and clubs the option to open smoking rooms. The rooms must be separate from non-smoking rooms and properly ventilated.

Under UKIP’s proposal workers must not be required to enter a smoking room except for cleaning and other essential purposes, and only when the room is not in use.

The manifesto explains: “The smoking ban has had a disastrous effect on sections of the Scottish economy and society.

“It has led to an increase in smoking at home in front of children and a reduction in people meeting face to face, adversely affecting society in a negative manner.

“UKIP understands the concerns surrounding smoking in public places, but several systems are used abroad that do away with the negative impact on non-smokers, while at the same time allowing smokers to enjoy their pint.”

UKIP said it believes that the local pub is a cultural tradition that moderates drinking in a social environment.

Drinking limit

The party would also lower the drink driving limit back to 80mg per 100ml of blood.

UKIP claim the current limit “makes no sense” and 80mg is “low enough to deter reckless behaviour”.

In December 2014 the alcohol limit for drivers in Scotland reduced from 80mg to 50mg of alcohol in the blood.


The manifesto’s main focus is on its support for Britain leaving the EU. This, UKIP claims, would help to lower business rates and cut red tape.

David Coburn, MEP and leader of UKIP Scotland, said: “The UK must leave the European Union, whose one-size-fits-all, trans-continental bureaucratic solutions damage our entrepreneurial society.”

Finally, the manifesto proposes an intermediate income tax of 30% for earnings between £45,300 and £55,000.

Read UKIP’s full Scottish manifesto here.

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