Over 8 in 10 operators against outdoor smoking ban

By Nikkie Thatcher

- Last updated on GMT

Up in smoke: almost nine in 10 operators were opposed to an outdoor smoking ban (image: Getty/towfiqu ahamed)
Up in smoke: almost nine in 10 operators were opposed to an outdoor smoking ban (image: Getty/towfiqu ahamed)

Related tags Legislation

Some 85% of operators would not support an outdoor smoking ban if it came into force, a snap poll of The Morning Advertiser readers has found.

The majority of the 559 respondents were against the reported ban, while 15% said they would support it.

Leaked Government plans revealed smoking is set to be banned in outside areas including pub gardens, The Sun​reported.

This was followed by Prime Minister Keir Starmer confirming to the BBC​the Government was considering tougher rules on outdoor smoking.

Trade bodies issued concerns around the potential move. The British Beer & Pub Association urged the Government to “reconsider this misguided restriction”​ while UKHospitality warned it could cause “serious economic harm to hospitality venues”​.

Furthermore, the British Institute of Innkeeping called for “support, investment and a fair and level playing field to be able to remain at the heart of their communities”.

Body blow

Previously, operator of the Unruly Pig in Bromeswell, Suffolk Brendan Padfield echoed concerns around the impact on trade.

He said: “This is wokism on steroids. As a non-smoker, I though the initial smoking ban inside pubs to be a very positive development [and was] all for it.

“However, this proposal is just another body blow for pubs when they are closing at a record rate – Covid, cost-of-living crisis, Brexit labour shortages, food inflation and now this.

“At this most difficult time for the hospitality sector, the last thing we need is a move that will persuade less customers to dine out or go for a pint.

“It feels like a war of attrition at times. I struggle to understand the logic of a smoking ban in a pub garden but not in your home back yard.

“I would have thought His Majesty’s Government have far more pressing issues to focus upon rather than hit an already very hard-hit sector.”

In favour

However, owner of the Sun Inn, Dedham on the Essex/Suffolk border and Church Street Tavern in Colchester, Essex, Piers Baker was in favour of the move.

He said: “If a pub garden can keep smoke away from non-smokers, that would be ideal. With our venues, our outside areas are quite tight and right next to the building so when people smoke, it affects the whole space as well as filtering into the building – bar, restaurant and rooms.

“So yes, we would be in favour of a ban because when we ask people to move to the designated smoking areas away from our terraces, they generally are offended and ignore or make it difficult for our teams to manage.

“It’s a case of offending a handful of random smokers or a restaurant/terrace full of non-smokers. We are in favour.”

In addition, a survey from YouGov on 29 August asked consumers if they would support or oppose banning smoking in pub gardens and outdoor restaurants.

More than half (58%) of consumers would support the ban whereas 35% opposed it with 7% saying they didn’t know.

Related topics Legislation

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