Oldham hosts want Best Bar None

By John Harrington

- Last updated on GMT

Best Bar None: could help Oldham licensees
Best Bar None: could help Oldham licensees
Licensees in Oldham have backed calls for the introduction of a Best Bar None scheme to ward off the threat of blanket licence reviews at all town...

Licensees in Oldham have backed calls for the introduction of a Best Bar None scheme to ward off the threat of blanket licence reviews at all town centre bars.

There are plans to get support from influential local figures — including Oldham MP and immigration minister Phil Woolas — to setting up the pub and club accreditation scheme in the Lancashire town.

The plans were discussed today when trade groups Noctis and the British Beer and Pub Association met most licensees and bosses of firms with outlets in the town today.

Oldham Council caused anger when it announced plans to review all 22 town centre bars and force draconian licence conditions including operating "post office-style".

Noctis executive director Paul Smith said the meeting was "very positive".

"There was enthusiasm for pushing this forward quite quickly. We want an alternative way of doing things. We are making Oldham a priority to make that happen."

Smith said police and council chiefs had already said they would "like to look" at BBN in a previous meeting.

Woolas spoke at the recent BBN reception and Smith said: "He was very positive about Best Bar None and very keen to get involved at a local level."

BBPA northern secretary Lee Le Clercq said: "We had a productive meeting with the majority of Oldham licensees and company executives caught up in the town's 'over the top' action against their premises.

"While legal action, which the trade would probably win, has not been ruled out, there is a willingness on the part of the businesses to work with the authorities to improve the reputation of the town's night time economy. But this must be a two-way street — the responsible authorities also have a role to play to ensure the success of any future partnership.

"A number of issues were discussed, including BBN, which would help create an environment in which businesses were able to compete not just on price but also on quality and value."

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