'A third of people lie about their age - to buy alcohol'

By Matt Eley Matt

- Last updated on GMT

How much we drink and how often we have sex are other subjects prompting porkies, says a new survey of 2,000 people. It found 36% lied about their...

How much we drink and how often we have sex are other subjects prompting porkies, says a new survey of 2,000 people. It found 36% lied about their years - often to buy alcohol under age. A similar amount gave false booze habits or sex history - with 29% of men exaggerating their number of partners while women reduced the figure - The Mirror

The City watchdog is poised to launch an insider dealing inquiry into the share movements of some of Britain's biggest pubs groups. The Financial Services Authority has swung into action after Punch Taverns and Enterprises Inns crashed last Tuesday, just a day before the publication of a controversial report into the drinks industry - Daily Mail

Someone has stamped on that "smoking research centre" at a pub near Barnsley that the publican dreamt up to get around the smoking ban. "A productive discussion with the licensee took place and an assurance has been given that the premises have now returned to being smoke-free," said a council spokesman - The Times

Wine connoisseurs may balk at the thought of drinking a fine vintage from a can, but glugging from a ring-pull rather than cracking open a full bottle of plonk seems to be catching on. Sales of cans to the wine industry are rocketing, albeit from a low base, with consumers seeing the attraction of drinking one glass at time, becoming more environmentally aware and opting to drink on the go - The Times

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