Small Businesses

Business rates

Demand for fair business rates

By Ellie Bothwell

Last week, more than 100 companies, including leading firms in the pub trade, signed an open letter calling for an overhaul of the business rates system. They labelled the tax as a “critical problem” that is “no longer fit for the 21st century”. Ahead...

Top Tips: Raising funds for your pub business

Top Tips: Raising funds for your pub business

By Phil Mellows

Looking to grow your pub empire? Think there’s a shortage of money around? Well, think again. There are plenty of potential investors out there — it’s just that the organisations who have got it, are afraid to use it.

Thrive on 5%: support grows

FSB backs VAT cut for pubs

By Adam Pescod

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has thrown its support behind the Publican's Morning Advertiser's 'Thrive on Five' campaign.

Cable: onus of proof will then fall on Whitehall to prove why the regulation needs to stay

Cable pledges to cut red tape

By Mark Wingett, M&C Report

Business secretary Vince Cable is to outline plans today on how the Government will cut red tape for small businesses, including no new domestic laws...

Pubs have been hit hard by the snow

FSB: help needed for snow-hit businesses

By Ewan Turney

The Government, banks and landlords need to act to provide some breathing space for small businesses as they struggle in the cold snap, the...

FSB: members want more detail on Budget

FSB members want robust Budget

By Lesley Foottit

The Government must outline robust plans for reducing the UK's budget deficit, according to nine out of 10 small businesses. The Federation of Small...

Some pubs will get rates holiday

Rates holiday for pubs

By Gemma McKenna

Thousands of pubs will pay no business rates for a year — or will see rate relief double — from October. The Morning Advertiser can reveal that...

Bank of England has cut rates again

Interest rates cut to all-time low

By Ewan Turney

The Bank of England has cut interest rates by a further 0.5% to 1.5% — the lowest in its 315-year history. The historic move is designed to spark...

Pubs offer plenty of on-the-job training

FSB: on-the-job training must be recognised

By Ewan Turney

Small businesses, such as pubs, which offer on-the-job training must be recognised with official accreditation, according to the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).

Wright: welcomed plans to help

Government small business plans welcomed

By Ewan Turney

Government measures set out to help small businesses have been welcomed by two trade organisations. The Government yesterday agreed plans for local...

David Cameron

Tories pledge to help small firms

By John Harrington

The Conservatives have called for action to help struggling small businesses through difficult times. Deferring VAT bills for up to six months, and...

Employment law help for pubs launched

Employment law help for pubs launched

Pubs are urged to take advantage of free help on employment law. The Government has launched a campaign to ensure small businesses get help from the...

Queen's speech: Good news for pubs

Queen's speech: Good news for pubs

The Queen's speech unveiled two bits of good news for pubs. The Queen confirmed the Government intended to go-ahead with legislation to reduce...

New waste rules start today

New waste rules start today

New rules on waste management and recycling come into force today. Pubs will have to adhere to the EU Landfill Directive, which means they will need...