Small Business

Rethink: SBPA says a pubs code in Scotland would cost jobs, investment and opportunities

SBPA warns against proposals to introduce a pubs code in Scotland

By Georgina Townshend

The Scottish Beer & Pub Association have called for a "rethink" on the proposed bill which would establish a pubs code in Scotland, saying that if successful, it would "cost jobs, investment and opportunities, while punishing tied-pubs...

Snap shot: the general election is taking place on Thursday 8 June

General election 2017

General election 2017: manifesto round-up

By Nikkie Sutton

With the snap general election just hours away (Thursday 8 June), The Morning Advertiser has summarised what each party has pledged for pubs.

Easter weekend: pubs set to benefit from huge card spend over weekend

Trade predicted to take £280m in bank card spend over Easter

By Georgina Townshend

As Brits head out for long lunches and trips this Easter weekend, pubs across the UK are predicted to benefit, with the hospitality sector set to rake in more than £280m in debit/credit card spend, figures suggest.

How roadworks hell ruined my pub, and I was left without a voice

Works Must Pay

How roadworks hell ruined my pub, and I was left without a voice

By Oli Gross

Jamie Pike, tenant at the Upton Inn, South Gloucestershire, told Oli Gross of the ‘hell’ he experienced when roadworks devastated his pub. Pike contacted the Morning Advertiser after discovering our campaign, Works Must Pay, which is fighting for a fairer...

Pubs minister Marcus Jones: Let's spend Christmas down the pub...

Pubs minister

Pubs minister Marcus Jones: Let's spend Christmas down the pub...

By Marcus Jones

When you think of Christmas what springs to mind? For me, it’s a welcome opportunity to spend time with family and friends and to think back on the year that’s been. And where better to catch up with family and old friends than the hub of so many communities...

BBPA outlines proposals to help small businesses

BBPA outlines proposals to help small businesses

By Ellie Bothwell

The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has proposed amending the definition of small businesses and introducing new rules that force councils to “be more transparent” in regards to business rate relief.

Small business rate relief council

Council flaws hit business rate relief take-up

By John Harrington

Fewer than 20% of councils have clear and up-to-date guidance on how to apply small business rate relief, meaning that many firms miss out on the assistance, according to a study from Oxfordshire-based chartered surveyors Bankier Sloan.

Business rates pop-up petition

Petition urges rates relief for pop-ups

By John Harrington

A petition has been launched urging retailers of ‘pop-up’ premises to be able to qualify for three months’ business rates relief.

Labour government Ed Miliband business rates

Labour 'would cut business rates for small firms'

By John Harrington

A Labour Government would freeze business rates for smaller firms and reverse a planned cut in corporate tax for larger companies, party leader Ed Miliband is expected to announce at Labour’s Conference today.

GMB joins Fair Deal for Your Local

GMB joins Fair Deal for Your Local

By Michelle Perrett

GMB, the union has become the latest organisation to formally back the national ‘Fair Deal for Your Local’ campaign calling for a fair deal for Britain’s tied licensees and pubs.

Take time to think about your business

Take time to think about your business

By Gerry Price

Just now and then, work on the pub, not in it. These are challenging times for anyone in business and not least for the pub trade.

Johnson: help for riot hit firms

Major firms back latest riot help fund

By John Harrington, M&C Report

Major UK businesses and London mayor Boris Johnson have pledged fresh funding for "emergency financial assistance" aimed at small companies hit by...

Confession: British Gas says it flagged issues to Ofgem

£2.5m British Gas fine 'not enough'

By Gurjit Degun

Licensees have welcomed the £2.5m fine issued to British Gas for not handling complaints from small businesses and domestic users appropriately.

(L-R): FLVA president Nigel Williams, BBPA chief executive Brigid Simmonds, Punch Taverns MD Roger Whiteside, Enterprise COO Simon Townsend and BII's Neil Robertson

Pubcos grilled on statutory code

By Ewan Turney & Michelle Perrett

Senior pubco executives were grilled on the need for a statutory code of practice to govern the pubco-tenant relationship at yesterday's meeting of...