Siba Chief Executive

Bright and progressive future: former Black Sheep Brewery chair Andy Slee (pictured) to take over as SIBA chief executive from January 2023

SIBA appoints new CEO

By Rebecca Weller

The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) has announced the appointment of its new chief executive.

Down the drain: many brewers have been forced to throw beer away during the coronavirus pandemic, with pubs being closed for a large proportion of the past year and a half

SBR changes leaves small brewers in limbo

By Nikkie Thatcher

Small independent brewers in the UK have been left in limbo, a year on from the Treasury’s changes to Small Breweries’ Relief (SBR), one trade body has warned.

Exciting opportunity: SIBA chief executive Mike Benner

SIBA purchases majority shareholding in Flying Firkin

By Nikkie Sutton

The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) has purchased a major stake in beer supplier Flying Firkin as part of its commercial strategy to develop routes to market opportunities for its members.

Arkell's wins gold award at Society of Independent Brewers' awards

Arkell's strikes gold at SIBA's BeerX awards

By James Wallin

Wiltshire brewer Alex Arkell has described the Gold award presented to his company at last week’s BeerX celebrations as “the ulitmate endorsement of our beer”.

SIBA announces award winners

SIBA announces award winners

By Gurjit Degun

Oakham Ales, Bristol Beer Factory and Hepworth & Company have won the Society of Independent Brewers’ (SIBA) Supreme Champion Awards for cask ale, bottled beer and craft beer in keg, respectively.

Crawley: keen to engage with SIBA members

Caledonian first to apply for new SIBA status

By Ewan Turney

The Caledonian Brewery has become the first brewer to apply for associate membership of the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA), following changes to its membership rules.