Red Tape

Tourism taskforce: 'Government must cut red tape'

Tourism taskforce: 'Government must cut red tape'

The Government has been urged to make applying for a premises licence easier and to cut red tape on health and safety regulations. The Tourism Regulation Taskforce – chaired by the British Hospitality Association president Alan Parker – has submitted...

BISC: MPs support more scrutiny of pubcos

BISC: MPs support more scrutiny of pubcos

By PMA Team

MPs have approved a plan that compels the Government to set up an independent body to monitor the progress of ‘toughened’ self regulation in the pubco/tenant relationship.

Back trade and we’ll all thrive

Back trade and we’ll all thrive

By Ralph Findlay

This is a critical time for our industry and the country’s economy. No less a person than the Governor of the Bank of England fears that the financial crisis is the worst the country has ever seen. Living standards are being squeezed to an extent not...

Protest: head brewer Matthew Walley doesn't want 'community assets' to be lost

Brewer's ale range mocks Government policy

By Adam Pescod

A Cheshire brewery has launched a new line of ales to express its dissatisfaction with the beer-duty escalator and red tape that it claims are...

Red tape: major concern for industry

Licensees reveal red-tape pet hates

By Michelle Perrett

Abolish annual licence renewals, return licensing control to magistrates and deregulate entertainment, say licensees.

Prisk: wants to help pubs

Exclusive: Minister will fight for pub trade

By Michelle Perrett

The minister charged with cutting the red-tape burden on businesses has promised to "fight the corner" for the pub trade. In an exclusive interview...

Coulson: red tape a real pain

Still tying us up in knots

By Peter Coulson

Peter Coulson is pleased that individual licensees are being encouraged by the BII's top man to lodge their complaints against red tape.

Red tape: a concern for licensees

BBPA unveils red tape concerns

By Michelle Perrett

The British Beer & Pub Association has unveiled its major concerns for industry over red tape.

Punch: help for tenants

Punch looks to cut red tape

By Graham Ridout

Punch Taverns has sent a guide to reducing red tape to help all its 5,800 strong leased estate.

Neill with Kate and David Deacon of The Shoulder of Mutton in Kirkby Overblow, Yokrshire

Cut red tape, new pubs minister urged

By John Harrington

New community pubs minister Bob Neill has been urged to ease the "jaw-dropping" burden of bureaucracy and red tape currently choking the life out of...

Sutcliffe: Streamlining Licensing Act

Cut in licensing red tape could help pubs

By John Harrington

The Government says businesses could save millions through its new plan to streamline licensing. The overall cost saving to businesses and other...

Pubs may find minor alterations easier

Red tape to be cut over pub planning

By Gemma McKenna

The Government wants to cut red tape on planning permission, allowing pubs to make minor alterations without needing consents. Pubs won't face delays starting work or have to pay planning fees, which can be as high as £2,000.

Turner: help needed to save the pub

'Pubs being strangled in red tape'

By Gemma McKenna

British pubs are being "strangled in red tape" by the Government, which will destroy £8bn worth of economic activity by 2012. That was the message...



The downturn is already here Your editor's Morning Advertiser opinion piece (17 January 2008) initially drew my interest because of its inference...



Yvonne Cleminson Pubcos must do more to help licensees with growing red tape and spiralling costs says the licensee of the Cherry Tree in Farnham,...



Peter Eveleigh Cold callers are a pain and place a huge strain on the vital commodity of time, says the licensee of the Riverside Inn, Bradford-on- Avon, Wiltshire

Red tape woe

Red tape woe

forces host to leave country The increasing burden of red tape has driven one freehold host to pack up and leave the country. Paul Parker, who jets...