Rate Relief

What's in the news 2 February?

'I'm flabbergasted at interest rates'

By Ed Bedington

The MA's Ed Bedington caught up with Camerons boss Chris Soley to get his take on the week's news, from government debate to interest rates and pub closures.

Pub champ: Anne Main MP says a one-size-fits-all business rates model does not work for pubs in her district

A group of publicans has united against the rates system

By Emily Hawkins

Ahead of a parliamentary probe into the business rates system, The Morning Advertiser (MA) spoke to St Albans MP Anne Main about her work raising the concerns of the city’s publicans in Westminster.

Smith: helping restore pubs to the community

TV licensee calls for more pub rate relief

By John Harrington

A licensee who has helped five communities save their locals in a TV show has called for more rate relief for struggling pubs — particularly the...

Kettering Council wants powers to halt cheap supermarket deals

Councils: toughen rules on licensing

By John Harrington

Councils are urging the Government to make alcohol licensing more restrictive — but also to help with business rates for struggling small firms. A ban on pubs being sold with restrictive covenants is also suggested.

Rate relief has not been ruled out

Hope for automatic rate relief

By John Harrington

Local Government minister Sadiq Khan says the Government won't rule out automatic rate relief for small firms "as an option for the future

Luff: make rate relief automatic

MP wants automatic rate relief for pubs

By Ewan Turney

Tory MP Peter Luff is to table a private members bill, which would automatically grant small businesses rate relief. Luff, well-known in the pub...

One in six pubs are missing out on rate relief

One in six losing out on rate relief

By Gemma McKenna

About one in six pubs in England and Wales are failing to claim £6.9m of Small Business Rate Relief — according to data from small business campaign group Leaseholders United.