Low Pay Commission

Pay up: the Low Pay Commission has been urged to 'take caution' when increasing statutory wage rates

BBPA urges restraint on minimum wage increases

By Claire Churchard

The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has urged the Low Pay Commission (LPC) to “take caution in increasing all statutory wage rates in April 2019” as pubs face a tough trading period.

Wage proposal: trade bodies pleased with pay structure recommendation

Living Wage

Trade bodies welcome plans to abandon £9 living wage

By James Wallin

Trade bodies for the hospitality sector have welcomed recommendations from the Low Pay Commission, which confirmed the abandonment of the £9 political figure for the national living wage (NLW) by 2020.

Minimum wage to rise 3% to £6.50

Minimum wage to rise 3% to £6.50

By John Harrington

The Government has confirmed that the adult minimum wage is to rise by 3% to £6.50 from October, a rise of 19p.


Will pubs pay the price of a minimum wage rise?

By Mike Berry

Could you afford to pay your staff an extra 69p per hour? Doesn’t sound a lot, does it really? The equivalent, say, of shifting a few extra bags of crisps or selling a few extra pints throughout the course of the day.

Minimum wage: going up

Minimum wage increases by 2.5%

By Graham Ridout

The new minimum wage rate for adults has been increased by 2.5% and are due to come into effect in October. The Government has accepted...

Simmonds says min wage increase should be significantly lower

Trade call for wage award to be lower

By Tony Halstead

A trade leader has called on the Low Pay Commission to scale back its recommendations for next year's minimum wage award. Brigid Simmonds, chief...

21-year-olds will now get the minimum wage

Minimum wage for 21-year-olds

By John Harrington

Labour Party plans to extend the full adult minimum wage to 21-year-olds will hit pubs hard, trade experts warn. Ministers also announced plans to...

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Minimum wage threatens small pub companies

By John Harrington

The minimum wage is in danger of spiralling out of control and threatening the viability of many small pub companies. Half of all pubs have already...



With the rate of the national minimum wage rising next month, we take a look at the basic rules and regulations that must be followed when paying...