Licensing Act

Pick and mix: the Government has been choosy in its response to the House of Lords proposals for an overhaul of the Licensing Act

Government responds to Lords' Licensing Act Review

By Georgina Townshend

The Government has rejected proposals to scrap late-night levies (LNL), along with some other recommendations, as part of its official response to the House of Lords Select Committee’s proposals for a “major overhaul” of the Licensing Act 2003.

Assessing change: what are the odds the Lords' Licensing Act proposals will happen?

Lords’ Licensing Act Review: what are the odds for change?

By Claire Churchard

It’s more than a month since The House of Lords select committee published proposals for a “major overhaul” of the 2003 Licensing Act. But how many of the Lords’ recommendations are likely to be implemented by the next Government?

Legal analysis: expert opinion sought by Lords

Licensing Act 2003

Legal analysis: expert opinion sought by Lords

By Poppleston Allen

Legal experts Poppleston Allen reveal some of the questions asked at the panel session held at the House of Lords select committee this month (November).

Lords review of Licensing Act will be a challenging task

Legal advice

Lords review of Licensing Act will be a challenging task

By Poppleston Allen

On 25 May 2016, it was announced that an ad hoc House of Lords Committee has been established to “consider and report on the Licensing Act 2003”. The exact purpose of the committee is uncertain but it will be calling for evidence over the next few months...

The Licensing Act: ten years on

Industry history

The Licensing Act: ten years on

By James Evison

Ten years on the Licensing Act has not become the ‘free for all’ that was anticipated. The Publican’s Morning Advertiser looks back at the past decade.

Experts proved wrong on Licensing Act


Experts proved wrong on Licensing Act

By Poppleston Allen

Concern the Licensing Act 2003 would lead to an increase in alcohol-related crime and health issues has not come to pass.

Calling time on drinking up

Calling time on drinking up

By Peter Coulson

One of the main practical differences between the new Scottish Licensing Act and its English counterpart concerns drinking-up time. Section 63 of the Scottish Act retains the 15-minute drinking-up period.

Peter Coulson: dogged lobbying by the music industry and Lord Clement-Jones’s efforts have paid dividends

Singing consultation’s praises

By Peter Coulson

It seems that the very persistent lobbying by the music industry, coupled with the sterling efforts of Lord Clement-Jones and his advisors, has at last borne fruit.

Split: Coulson says 'one-size-fits-all' Licensing Act has failed

Time for an on-off separation

By Peter Coulson

A separation between the on and off-trades should be re-established as the 'one-size-fits-all' Licensing Act has failed, writes Peter Coulson.

Coulson: red tape a real pain

Still tying us up in knots

By Peter Coulson

Peter Coulson is pleased that individual licensees are being encouraged by the BII's top man to lodge their complaints against red tape.

Charity: enough in Bill to worry trade

Paying lip service to pubs

By The PMA Team

Worrying elements still remain in the revisions to the licensing reform, says The PMA Team.

Chase: time to challenge the proposed licensing reform plans

Licensees must fight back

By Paul Chase

The proposal to rebalance the Licensing Act is a seminal moment for the on-trade, argues Paul Chase.

ALMR: 45 companies backing campaign

45 companies back ALMR's campaign

By The PMA Team

A total of 45 companies have thrown their support behind a major "direct action" campaign to halt proposed changes to the Licensing Act. They have...

May: late night levy plan

Government to 'tear up' Licensing Act

By Ewan Turney

The Government is to "tear up" the Licensing Act and will forge ahead with controversial plans for a late night levy and a ban on the below cost sale...

ALMR working group fronts action campaign

25 pubcos support Licensing Act 'action'

By The PMA Team

A total of 25 pub companies have already thrown their support behind a major "direct action" campaign to halt proposed changes to the Licensing Act....

Coulson: councils are in charge

Councils hold all the aces

By Peter Coulson

It would appear that the Home Office is not engaged in a debate about the merits of proposed changes to the Licensing Act.

Home Office: concern over its track record

Fears over Home Office record on licensing

By Ewan Turney

A firm of top licensing solicitors has warned the Government it would be "wholly wrong" to implement changes to the Licensing Act in the autumn...

Turney: trade looks set for a rough ride

Undercover at the consultations

By Ewan Turney

Despite the Government giving the impression that Licensing Act reforms are open to debate, the changes seem to be decided, says Ewan Turney.

Browne: Licensing Act has hit pubs

Alcohol licences in Scotland fall 14%

By John Harrington

Scottish trade chiefs have blamed the "cost and complexity" of the country's new Licensing Act for a 14% fall in alcohol licences. Figures obtained...

Charity: Licensing Act has played its part in calming city centres

Drinking climate's changing

By The PMA Team

It's almost five years since the Licensing Act came into force, and evidence suggests drinking habits have evolved, says The PMA Team.

Coulson: against Licensing Act change

Government's offence overload

By Peter Coulson

The Government is increasing the number of "relevant offences" under the Licensing Act that cause objection to an applicant, says Peter Coulson.

Coulson: innocent condemned with guilty

Keeping a sense of proportion

By Peter Coulson

Alcohol retailing is being slowly demonised, presented as an industry that requires almost a strait-jacket of laws to keep it controlled, says Peter Coulson.

Coulson: two in bar rule can not be brought back in its old form

Musical chairs in the Lords

By Peter Coulson

Music in pubs once again finds itself between the Devil and the deep blue sea, says Peter Coulson.

Coulson: there will be a robust examination of bill

At the bottom of the pile

By Peter Coulson

Opposition peers have promised a robust examination of the Policing and Crime Bill, says Peter Coulson.

Fair Pint: winners of the week

Pub trade's week of reckoning

By Ewan Turney

Pubco power report, mandatory code on alcohol retailing and a review of the Licensing Act — it has been a truly momentous week.

Coulson: lack of willingness to challenge behaviour in higher authority

Not an appealing prospect

By Peter Coulson

One of the major differences between the workings of the old 1964 Licensing Act and the current 2003 version is the lack of clarity about what the law actually means, says Peter Coulson.