
Trade insight: operators have told of their despair around the lack of clarity as to when late-night venues can reopen

Lights out for late night?

By Georgia Cronin, MCA

Having already provided your full name and contact details, you pass by the thermal imaging camera and through the personal protection tunnel, where you remain for five seconds to ensure the chlorine dioxide has thoroughly disinfected your clothes and...

Radio silence: the Government has yet to reveal when late-night venues can resume trading

Still no clarity on nightclub reopening date

By Nikkie Thatcher

While the Government has announced a slew of hospitality businesses can now reopen, it has remained tight-lipped on when the late-night sector venues can trade again.

Official recession: the economy shrank by 20.4% versus the first three months of the year during April, May and June as a result of Covid-19 lockdown measures

UK enters first recession in 11 years

By Stuart Stone

The UK economy has slipped into its first technical recession since 2009 after suffering its biggest slump on record as a knock-on effect of Covid-19 lockdown measures.

Pubs leading the way: pubs have been more likely to reopen than restaurant businesses, according to data from CGA

Pub reopenings outstrip restaurants

By Emily Hawkins

Pubs are leading the way in hospitality sector reopenings despite only two thirds of licensed premises resuming trade before the end of July.

National priority: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said there was a 'moral duty' to get children back into classrooms in September

Boris Johnson would close pubs before schools in severe local lockdowns

By Nikkie Thatcher

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has labelled getting children back in schools “a moral duty” amid suggestions that he would force the closure of pubs, restaurants and shops ahead of shutting schools in the event of severe local spikes in coronavirus cases.

Action needed: the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has been urged to negotiate fair reductions with ratepayers

'Wartime footing’ as business rates appeals soar

By Emily Hawkins

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has revealed that almost 145,000 businesses registered to begin the process of challenging their property valuations during April, May and June.

Extend the reduction: the Government has been urged to help out wet-led pubs by slashing VAT on beer as well as food

Calls to extend VAT reduction to beer

By Emily Hawkins

The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has said VAT reduction should be extended to pints as well as food to aid businesses less likely to benefit from the Eat Out to Help Out scheme.

Food strategy: “It is important that any new measures avoid additional burdens for businesses or unnecessary costs,

New food measures 'must avoid burdening sector’

By Emily Hawkins

Pubs and restaurants have an influential role in promoting healthier attitudes to food, UKHospitality (UKH) chief executive Kate Nicholls has said in response to a government-commissioned report into Britain’s eating habits.

Staggering figures: the hospitality sector experienced a sales drop of 87% in the second quarter of 2020

£30bn lost revenue in second quarter

By Emily Hawkins

Pubs, restaurants and bars experienced a sales drop of 87% in the second quarter of 2020, which equates to almost £30bn in lost revenue.

Cost burden: UKHospitality (UKH) chief executive Kate Nicholls has said new measures to tackle obesity could have a detrimental impact on pubs and restaurants

Government obesity measures ‘slap in the face’ for pubs

By Emily Hawkins

UKHospitality (UKH) chief executive Kate Nicholls has said the Government’s obesity strategy, which includes compulsory calorie information on menus, signals extra pressure for businesses already struggling.

Analysis needed:

Professional support vital on pub trigger event claims, PCA warns

By Ed Bedington

The pubs code adjudicator (PCA) is seeking to clarify the situation when it comes to trigger events for pubs in light of the ongoing challenges to the hospitality sector, however operators are being warned to seek professional advice before proceeding.