Home Office

Experienced head: Baroness McIntosh takes up a new role at PASS

Baroness McIntosh takes hot seat at PASS

By Stuart Stone

Baroness Anne McIntosh of Pickering has taken up the chair of the board position of the recently revamped PASSCo community interest company, which operates the Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS).

BBPA: What's the impact of a Tory majority on pubs?

My shout

BBPA: What's the impact of a Tory majority on pubs?

By Brigid Simmonds

As the election dust settles, here at the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA), we’ve been looking closely to see what impact the election of a majority Conservative Government will have on our industry.

Drinks promotions - the end?

Mandatory Licensing Conditions: what the new rules mean

By Poppleston Allen

The new Mandatory Licensing Conditions that came into effect today (1 October) will tighten up existing conditions that have been in force on all “on-trade” premises licences and club premises certificates since 2010.

Michael Kheng:

Could your licence fees increase dramatically?

By Michael Kheng

The Home Office is consulting on licence fees which see a cap for local authorities to charge coming into effect. Michael Kheng of licensing consultants Kurnia attended a consultation event on the proposed changes in London last week. In this article,...

Victory in long fight for justice

Victory in long fight for justice

By Peter Coulson

The story on the front page of last week's issue of the Publican’s Morning Advertiser (PMA), that after a long battle Michael Kheng has gained damages for his clients for the unlawful ‘instant’ closure notices issue by West Yorkshire Police, was...

Undeserving drinkers: moralism and the alcohol strategy

Undeserving drinkers: moralism and the alcohol strategy

It was a premature birth and the mother was unexpected. Instead of health minister Andrew Lansley delivering the Government Alcohol Strategy this week, home secretary Theresa May suddenly appeared as his surrogate last Friday.

Home Office and police pay for closure notice error

Home Office and police pay for closure notice error

By Gurjit Degun

The Government has admitted it was wrong to advise police that they could close premises immediately for minor breaches of conditions and threaten licensees with arrest if they did not comply.

Underage sales overkill concern

Underage sales overkill concern

By Peter Coulson

Other controversial changes due to come into force next month, according to the Home Office, concern sales to children. First of all the maximum fine (not the actual fine) has been doubled to £20,000 for underage sales, if they are prosecuted in the magistrates’...

Licensing act changes: Shifting responsibility

Licensing act changes: Shifting responsibility

By Peter Coulson

It came as rather a surprise to hear the Home Office confirm an April start for some of its radical changes to the Licensing Act. Many of us thought it would not be ready for this, and I still have considerable doubts.

Tangled web of licensing law

Tangled web of licensing law

By Peter Coulson

The tangled web of modern licensing law has reached a new level recently, if the consultation document on early morning restriction orders and the late-night levy is anything to go by.

Late-night levy ‘could cost £25m’

Late-night levy ‘could cost £25m’

By Michelle Perrett

The introduction of the late-night levy (LNL) could cost the industry as much as £25m a year, according to a Home Office consultation launched last week.

Trade confronts tough times

Trade confronts tough times

By Peter Coulson

The mature readers among you will remember the Frankie Howerd comedy vehicle Up Pompeii, in which a diminutive lady would come on crying: “Woe, woe and thrice woe!”

Officials eye tougher action on off-trade alcohol

Officials eye tougher action on off-trade alcohol

By John Harrington

Government officials are still considering plans to factor in production costs for the definition of “below cost” for the upcoming ban on cheap supermarket alcohol deals, the Publican's Morning Advertiser's sister publication M&C Report...

Coulson: concern over police tactics

Strong-arm tactics hit trade

By Peter Coulson

Over the past year there has been increasing concern about the advice given to police forces from the Home Office in relation to licensed premises....

Home Office advice wrong says Coulson

Home Office withdraws Section 19 guidance

By Gurjit Degun

The Home Office has withdrawn guidance to police and licensing officers on how to operate Section 19 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act, the...

Police: can choose where to spend the levy money

Police in late night levy storm

By Ewan Turney

Police will be under no obligation to spend money raised from the late-night levy on policing the late-night economy in that area, the Publican's...

ID checks: new guidance

New guidance for pub ID checks

By John Harrington

The Home Office has released guidance to help pubs and doorstaff spot and deal with ID that's used fraudulently to buy alcohol. The 44-page...

Deirdre Dent: guidance coming soon

Pubs will have power to seize illegal IDs

By John Harrington

The Home Office is to issue guidance on how pub and door staff can legally seize ID by the end of February. Deirdre Dent, head of alcohol policy...

David Cameron recently said the Government was a friend of the pub but reforms could cost £1m a week

£1m per week for licensing reforms

By John Harrington

The Government's overhaul of licensing could cost the industry up to £1m — per week. The startling costs are outlined in a report from the Home Office this week — as trade chiefs savage the proposals that they say will add massive burdens to pu

Enforcement: lack of confidence over powers

Authorities urged to tackle problem pubs

By John Harrington

Police and councils in 26 areas are to receive "intensive" support visits to get them up to speed on their powers to tackle 'problem pubs'. The Home Office cited a "lack of confidence" among enforcement officers.

Supermarkets: escaped below cost ban for now

Government fails to address below cost ban

By Ewan Turney

The below cost ban on alcohol has been excluded from the Social Responsibility and Policing Bill. The promised ban on below cost sales of alcohol...

Licensed premises must have an age verification process in place

Mandatory code: second-half live

By Ewan Turney

The second part of the controversial Mandatory Code on alcohol retailing comes into force today — even though it may be scrapped within months....