Foreign Satellite Football

Foreign satellite ruling set for Oct 4

October 4 set for foreign satellite ruling

By John Harrington

Tuesday 4 October has been earmarked as the date for the landmark judgement on the legality of foreign satellite football in pubs, a well-placed...

Murphy: ECJ appeal heard today

Murphy case reaches Europe: update

By John Harrington & Ewan Turney

The eagerly awaited landmark Karen Murphy foreign satellite football case reaches Europe today — and there is some support given to the arguments...



Five hosts are being taken to the High Court by the Premier League (PL) for allegedly screening foreign satellite football. In a writ, the five are...

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Back to court for foreign football pubs

By Iain O'Neil

Two Portsmouth licensees who beat a prosecution for showing foreign satellite football last season have been caught in the act again. Derek Hopper of...

London lawyers to challenge Sky

London lawyers to challenge Sky

A firm of London solicitors is offering to defend licensees against criminal prosecution for showing foreign satellite football. The firm,...

Satellite battle to break monopoly

Satellite battle to break monopoly

By Iain O'Neil

Confusion still reigns over the question of whether it is legal to use foreign satellite stations to show Premiership football in pubs. IAIN O'NEIL examines the issues