European Union

'Good news': 'The benefits of a tariff-free, quota-free UK-Australia trade deal are great news for British producers exporting English wine and spirts to Australia,' Miles Beale, chief executive of the WSTA said

UK/Australia trade deal to save UK wine businesses £16m, claims WSTA

By The Morning Advertiser

The first major trade deal negotiated by the Government since the UK left the EU has been welcomed by the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) for reducing costs for drinks businesses and positive knock-on effects for hospitality firms.

Triple whammy: alcohol prices have been impacted by Brexit's effect on sterling, rising inflation and a duty rise

UK has fourth highest booze prices in Europe

By Nikkie Sutton

The average price of alcohol in the UK is 42.7% higher than the EU average – the fourth highest in Europe beaten only by Sweden, Ireland and Finland, according to new research.

Duty reduction hopes: new chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group Mike Wood

Brexit could mean lower beer duty, says new APPBG chair

By Michelle Perrett

A review of the beer duty system to give more favourable rates to the pub sector is impossible until the UK leaves the European Union, the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group (APPBG) chairman Mike Wood and Conservative MP for Dudley South, has claimed.

Too high: tax on the UK wine sector is worrying producers

English wine threatened by increased duty

By Nicholas Robinson

English sparkling wine producers may be put under unnecessary pressure if Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond implements proposals to raise tax on the sector.

Stay with me: PM gives EU migrants right to work in post-Brexit UK

‘Migrant workers can stay,’ says PM

By Nicholas Robinson

Pubs employing EU migrants will be allowed to maintain their contracts once the UK leaves the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May has confirmed for the first time.

Wise up: Tim Martin considers using non-EU supply chain

JD Wetherspoon could switch to non-EU suppliers

By Georgina Townshend

JD Wetherspoon’s chairman said he is considering looking at suppliers outside the EU due to the “current posturing and threats” by Brexit negotiators, who need to “wise up”.

Selective approach: leaked Government document suggests cut in EU low-skilled workers

Leaked document proposes curb on low-skilled EU migrants

By Georgina Townshend

New restrictions could be introduced by the Government to cut the number of low-skilled EU migrants working in the UK immediately after Brexit, according to a leaked Home Office paper obtained by The Guardian.

Crisis call: securing the rights of existing staff may avoid a labour shortage

Brexit: employers concerned as future of EU workers remains unclear

By Michelle Perrett

Article 50 will be triggered today and the official countdown to Britain leaving the EU will begin in earnest, but the detail that is worrying most who work in the pub trade is the crisis in waiting around the residency and working rights of foreign employees...

WSTA warns Government over post-Brexit bootlegging

WSTA warns Government over post-Brexit bootlegging

By Georgina Townshend

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has warned Government that if Brexit talks do not achieve frictionless borders, delays and gridlocks at ports will “encourage the resurgence of alcohol smugglers”.

Toughen up: trade said to slump for two years after Brexit


Two tough years ahead for pubs after Brexit

By Nicholas Robinson

Pubs could be in for two tough years of trade after Article 50 is triggered and the UK leaves the European Union, trade bosses have warned.

Research: Majority of pub staff are female


Research: Majority of pub staff are female

By Oli Gross

More than half of pub staff are female, and there are 1,380 more breweries than there were in 2010, according to latest figures published by the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA).