Business Improvement District

A late-night levy will be charged on pubs in Newcastle from 1 November

Why a late-night levy is wrong for Newcastle

By Tony Brookes

Tony Brookes, managing director of multiple operator The Head of Steam, takes aim at Newcastle council's decision to introduce a late-night levy on pubs and bars in the city.

British Beer and Pub Association David Wilson EMROs Late-night levy

BBPA: partnership approach vital in tackling late-night disorder

By Michelle Perrett

The best way to tackle late-night disorder is via a partnership approach and not regulations such as the late-night levy (LNL) and early-morning restriction orders (EMROs), according to British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) public affairs director...

Best Bar None appoints national director

Best Bar None appoints national director

By Michelle Perrett

Best Bar None (BBN), the national award scheme, has appointed Simon Jackson as the new national director. He will report directly to chief executive, Tim Hulme and will take up the post at the beginning of May 2013.

Pub legal tips: Late-night levy and EMROs

Get ahead of the game when it comes to EMROs and the late-night levy

By Poppleston Allen

It has been more than two years since the Government announced plans to ‘rebalance the Licensing Act’. I sometimes wonder whether the continual drip feed of consultation papers, draft regulations and partial enactments is deliberate Government policy...

Bath licensees launch 'Nightwatch' scheme

Bath licensees launch 'Nightwatch' scheme

By Adam Pescod

A group of 40 licensees in Bath have teamed up with the local council and police to implement a ‘Nightwatch’ scheme with the aim of creating a safer night-time economy in the city.

BBPA welcomes Mary Queen of Shops Review

BBPA welcomes Mary Queen of Shops Review

By Gurjit Degun

The British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) has welcomed proposals to improve high streets and has called for the government to put the plans “higher up the political agenda”.

BIDs already help create a safe and vibrant late night economy

BID slams late-night levy

By Adam Pescod

The BBPA efforts to stop the Government's introduction of a late-night levy have been supported by the head of Nottingham's BID.

Doorwatch: helping to minimise trouble at venues

Doorwatch set to grow across UK

By John Harrington

More pubwatch-style groups for doorstaff are set to be formed following the creation of a National Doorwatch steering group. Doorwatch sees...

BIDs uncovered

BIDs uncovered

Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are fast becoming a popular way of improving the image of town and city centres. More than 40 are now in place...