Minimum price "essential" to stop "ridiculous" prices, says top doctor

By James Wilmore

- Last updated on GMT

Senior Scottish doctors have backed government plans for a minimum price, with one saying it is "essential" to stop shops selling alcohol at...

Senior Scottish doctors have backed government plans for a minimum price, with one saying it is "essential" to stop shops selling alcohol at "ridiculous" prices, cheaper than water.

A new report published the British Medial Association (BMA) in Scotland recommends the measure to deal with the country's serious health issues around alcohol.

Dr Andrew Thomson, deputy chairman of the BMA's UK Board of Science, said: "The introduction of minimum pricing is essential to stop retailers from selling alcohol at ridiculous prices, sometimes even cheaper than bottled water.

"Supermarkets should be leading the way in promoting the public health message. It is unfortunate that their only interest is to make money through irresponsible promotions that encourage heavy drinking."

The report - The Human Cost of Alcohol Misuse - states that alcohol kills six people in Scotland every day and points to a 400 per cent rise in alcoholic liver diseases cases since 1996.

It also recommends:

  • Licensing Boards should consider the public health consequences when dealing with new licence applications
  • All licensees should be encouraged to sign up to the Challenge 21 initiative.
  • Promotional activities in on and off-trade premises should be strictly regulated
  • Legislation for compulsory labelling of alcohol products should be introduced.

Dr Peter Terry, chairman of the BMA in Scotland, said: "Alcohol can be an enjoyable part of social and cultural life in Scotland, but the growing 'booze culture' emerging in our towns and cities is creating serious health problems for the future.

"Many people regularly drink more than the recommended levels of alcohol; ignoring the negative health consequences of this."

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