Christmas decorations: Avoid disasters

Due to their temporary nature decorations can increase the risk of accidents. So it is worthwhile having a simple checklist to keep possible hazards...

Due to their temporary nature decorations can increase the risk of accidents.

So it is worthwhile having a simple checklist to keep possible hazards to a minimum.

In a busy bar, lounge or dining area always be aware of the ever-present dangers of slips, trips and falls - particularly when there are cables, wires and Christmas trees in the vicinity.

Though Christmas lights make the tree the centre of attention, they can also present a huge risk.

To ensure complete safety be sure to have them thoroughly inspected and tested before they adorn the tree.

When plugging in the lights there is a good chance you will be using extension cables, so it is advisable to follow accepted safety rules and only use extension cables that have been pre-tested and ensure they do not present a trip hazard. Remember, also, never to leave tree lights switched on when the premises are empty.

There's little doubt that a roaring fire adds to the atmosphere and general feeling of well-being - but it is essential that the flames be well guarded. Additionally, decorations and cards should never be placed above an open fire or near any other heat sources such as light fittings and electric fires.

A candle-lit dining table may look romantic. But if candles are allowed on site it is essential that they be treated with the same care as any other naked flame.

Finally, don't ever be tempted to have indoor fireworks - they could make your Christmas go off with a bang for all the wrong reasons!

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