Press for action

Proud of Pubs Week is for you. And if you're going to get as much out of it as you can, it's not only about putting on great events, getting in your...

Proud of Pubs Week is for you.

And if you're going to get as much out of it as you can, it's not only about putting on great events, getting in your local MP and ensuring your business is at the top of its game.

It's about getting the good news about your pub out to your local customer base.

One effective way of doing that will be to strike up a relationship with your local media.

With acres of paper and a large slice of cyberspace to fill every week, local journalists are always on the look out for a story ­ and local pubs can be a great source of news.

Why not use Proud of Pubs Week (July 13 to 20) as the hook to get a reporter from your local paper into your pub for a drink and a chat to tell them about all the good things you do in your pub?

With the right approach you can ensure that they come back again and again ­ and that whenever they need to speak to a local business for a story, yours is the name that first comes to mind.

Long-standing industry PR Nicky Godding, who handles communications for Swindon brewer and pubco Arkell's, says the value of getting to know your local press should not be underestimated.

"The average advertisement in a newspaper will cost £350. Inviting in a journalist for a meal and chat will cost you an awful lot less ­ and you could gain a lot more in the long run," she says.

"It¹s very easy to pick up the phone and get in touch with a local journalist. But make sure you are clear about what you want to say, and why you want to speak to the newspaper, before you ring or write in."

And newspapers are just the beginning. The advent of digital radio means there are more radio stations than ever looking to fill the airwaves. Darren Tingle of the Old Captain's House in Bigrigg in Cumbria has struck it lucky after getting to know his local radio station while it covered the World Bar Skittles finals in the pub.

Darren currently has a regular spot on a Tuesday lunchtime programme on BBC Radio Cumbria, chatting about his working day and things going on in the region.

"If I'd had to pay for the advertising we've got from it it would have cost me thousands!" says Darren. "[Radio presenter] Richard Nankivell really does plug the pub ­ and we've just had one of our busiest Saturdays for a long time."

Darren, who will be running a race night and a bar skittles event in his pub during Proud of Pubs Week, is putting the week firmly on the agenda in Cumbria with a mention or two in his radio slot.

Another avenue for your attention could be regional TV programmes. Last year Proud of Pubs Week featured on ITV London as the media swarmed around pubs for the introduction of England¹s smoking ban.

This year TV programmes may again be looking to their local pubs for stories following the first anniversary of the ban.

Why not make contact with your local media and add to the buzz surrounding the week in your area?

Join in

Throughout Proud of Pubs Week we are urging pubs to take part in the following activities:

Monday July 14

"Put energy-saving measures in place in your pub"

Make sure your pub goes green on this day. First use our energy-saving audit sheet available online to find out what you can do ­ and put at least one energy-saving measure in place.

Tuesday July 15

"Put on a Proud of Pubs Night in your pub"

Make this the day when you really celebrate your pub and look to attract new customers. Why not try something you have never done before? It could be anything from a themed food menu to a snail-racing night! You could also raise money for charity.

Wednesday July 16

"Get to know your local media"

Local journalists are often short of a story ­ establish a good relationship with them and you could be on the way to free publicity. Use Proud of Pubs Week as a hook to invite them in for a free drink.

Thursday July 17

"Show your pride in your people"

Staff, with the customer service they provide, are the lifeblood of most pubs ­ make sure your staff know you are proud of them on this day.

Instigate your own star of the week award, raise a toast to them in the bar ­ or enter them in The Publican's Proud of Your People awards, in association with Fairy, for a chance to win a £300 monthly prize.

Friday July 18

"Get your MP into the pub"

Make this the day that Parliament goes to the pub. Invite your MP to come down to your pub on this day and see the great things that you do. The day will also be a great opportunity to get your local media in and win some wider publicity for your pub.

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