Food Excellence Awards

gameJack Baker Head chef, the Cricket Inn, Totley, Sheffield 0114 2365256 Tenure: Enterprise Inns lease owned by Thornbridge brewery's Brewkitchen...


Jack Baker

Head chef, the Cricket Inn,

Totley, Sheffield

0114 2365256

Tenure: Enterprise Inns lease owned by Thornbridge brewery's Brewkitchen brand.

Dish: Local honey-roasted Chatsworth partridge, crispy game dumpling, creamed savoy cabbage, duck-fat roast potatoes and game and juniper gravy.

Why is it a winner? Because it's hearty, rustic and honest. The ingredients are well sourced and of good quality.

Background: Over the next 12 months, Jack aims to drive quality and exceed the public's expectations at the pub. He wants to introduce theme days - like a Friday feast of fish. To ensure they get the best produce, Brewkitchen employs an ex-chef as a buyer and supplier scout.

Judges' comments

Beautifully cooked vegetables and exceptional game knowledge. The subtle honey flavour of the partridge was wonderful.

Scott Hessel

Chef/director, the Old Bore at Rishworth,

Halifax, Yorkshire

01422 822291


Tenure: Freehold

Dish: Partridge, beetroot fondant, lentils and bacon, thyme jus

Why is it a winner? The partridge goes well with the earthy tastes of the beetroot and lentils. It's lifted by the smokiness of the bacon and given a fragrant finish by the thyme, which marries well with the heathery taste of the bird. It's a popular dish on our pub menu - when it's in season.

Background: Scott won the Roux brothers scholarship in 1989 and his 20-year cheffing career has taken him to Harveys with Marco Pierre White, La Tante Claire, London, and the Crab & Lobster at Thirsk.

Judges' comments

Excellent mise en place and lovely use of beetroot - a really under-used vegetable on pub menus. Beautiful presentation.

Stephen Ardern

Head chef, the Crown,


North Yorkshire

Tenure: Freehold

Dish: Local Galphay Woods pheasant breast, pearl barley, apple and walnut suet pudding

Why is it a winner? The local pheasant is fantastic and the juices flow over the steamed pudding, keeping the whole thing moist. The apple really lifts the flavours of the dish.

Background: Stephen has worked in pubs for 10 years. He believes good pub catering should be about local foods from small producers, with a little twist, which you wouldn't attempt at home.

Judges' comments

Beautifully-cooked pheasant and a really good jus. The pudding is a great idea.

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