Website shows troublemakers mug shots

Licensees in Cheshire can see mugshots of banned customers on a new website.The website has been set up by Cheshire Police as part of the Halton...

Licensees in Cheshire can see mugshots of banned customers on a new website.

The website has been set up by Cheshire Police as part of the Halton Pubwatch scheme.

From Monday July 24, more than half of the 110 pubs signed up to the scheme will be able to see pictures of troublemakers who have been barred from premises for anti-social behaviour. The site will also feature a flash screen warning of live incidents as well as access to administration systems for their Pubwatch committees such as incident forms and posters.

In addition to the website, Cheshire police have developed a hi-tech radio system to provide a night net radio station linked to CCTV and police radio waves to improve security for licensees. The website and radio has been funded by £8,000 from the local authority, but will become self-financed by licensees.

Ian Seville, police licensing officer for Halton, said: "We already have protocols in place allowing the release of police photographs of offenders to Pubwatch licensees, but with 110 members distribution and collection when the ban was up was impractical.

"The website will allow licensees to see quickly who has been banned and will improve communications between licensees and police."

Nigel Bailey, an inspector with Cheshire Police and a member of the National Pubwatch steering committee, said: "The aim of Pubwatch is to create a safe and secure drinking environment. I believe this system will make a real contribution to the success of the scheme and may well help others nationally."

The website will be updated and managed by an external company daily. Go to

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