Archives for July 28, 2020

← 2020
£30bn lost revenue in second quarter

£30bn lost revenue in second quarter

By Emily Hawkins

Pubs, restaurants and bars experienced a sales drop of 87% in the second quarter of 2020, which equates to almost £30bn in lost revenue.

Are you a GBPA Hero? Front Line Support

Great British Pub Awards

Are you a GBPA Hero? Front Line Support

By Ed Bedington

One of the key difficulties faced during lockdown was supporting front line workers, and pubs did not shy away from the challenge.

Why draught alcohol-free beer is a winner

In association with BrewDog

Why draught alcohol-free beer is a winner

By Stuart Stone

Alcohol-free beer has long been the preserve of the fridge, but new brewing techniques and a 'punk' focus could see that change as BrewDog looks to put its stink on the sprouting category.