Archives for April 11, 2013

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Greene King BDMs complete post-graduate degree

By Jordan Chamberlain

A group of nine business development managers from Greene King have completed a post-graduate degree in Multi-Unit Leadership and Strategy at Birmingham City University (BCU).

Nick Clegg and the demonisation of pubs

By Publican Sam

Speaking during his weekly Call Clegg programme on LBC Radio, Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, said he supported the idea of imposing levies on people who get “blind drunk” and end up in hospital or at a police station. Here are some highlights:

Majority of local authorities shun EMROs and late-night levies

By John Harrington

More than three quarters of local authorities have ruled out introducing either an early morning restriction order (EMRO) or a late night levy (LNL) in the near future, while just 1% say they plan to introduce either measure, according to a survey of 363...