
Know your units

Know your units

The 'units' system of measuring alcohol consumption causes some confusion among customers and licensees. John Porter looks at how it works and how it...

Heart health

Heart health

Coronary heart disease is the biggest cause of death in the under-65s - but a few simple steps can lift you out of the 'at risk' category.Dr Paula...

Office systems

Office systems

Geoff Tyler looks at the essentials for kitting out the back office and offers some advice on choosing the best equipment for your business - from...

Staff discipline

Staff discipline

The benefits of a planned approach to discipline can be outstanding - a happier workforce with lower staff turnover, better customer relations and...

Paying tax

Paying tax

Keeping the taxman happy is less of a challenge if you plan properly and take advantage of the many sources of help available. Tax adviser Mike Brown...

Barbecue safety

Barbecue safety

While a barbecue offers many benefits to a licensee, it is vital that high standards of food safety and hygiene are observed when cooking...

Telecom systems

Telecom systems

It's good to talk - Geoff Tyler looks at the ways that different phone systems can help publicans communicate with their suppliers and customers. At...

Trade associations

Trade associations

The support and experience of other people in the same situation can be of huge benefit to a licensee when the pressure is on. John Porter looks at...

Coping with stress

Coping with stress

Running a pub is a demanding occupation and while it may not be possible to eliminate stress entirely, steps can be taken to minimise the effects it...

Alcohol abuse

Alcohol abuse

Licensees and barstaff are nearly four times more likely than the general population to die from liver cirrhosis, which is principally caused by...

Using the internet

Using the internet

There's no escaping the internet these days, but aside from the personal aspects, is it of any use to the licensed trade? We examine the three...

Time to take stock?

Time to take stock?

Stocktakers are among the unsung heroes of the licensed trade.Do you know your Arse from your Almendrado? Can you tell a widgeon from a pigeon?...

Employment agencies

Employment agencies

New regulations aim to improve employment agency standards, which should make recruitment easier for publicans.We can expect to hear more in the...

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