Opinion & Interviews

Punk rockers: James Watt (far left) and Martin Dickie (above left) invited about 15,000 investors to BrewDog’s annual AGM

Big interview

'We live and die by what’s in the glass'

By Stuart Stone

Martin Dickie and James Watt, founders of BrewDog – the brand that has plenty of bite to match its infamous bark – talked about how business is booming at the company AGM in Aberdeen

Equal terms; Senior reporter Nikkie Sutton shares her thoughts on International Women's Day

International Women's Day

Opinion: we must ensure parity is for all

By Nikkie Sutton

This issue of The Morning Advertiser is one that is particularly close to my heart and includes a topic that is particularly prevalent at the moment – empowering women.

Missed opportunity: a craft cider revolution never took place like the one that happened in beer


The cheap shot by supermarkets

By Pete Brown

The continuous cycle of forcing suppliers to sell goods for less will end up backfiring on greedy merchants

Long experience: having originally trained as an accountant, Fozard set up a pubco in 1999 before taking over Rooster’s with his two sons in 2011

Big interview

More small breweries closing than opening, says SIBA chairman

By Nicholas Robinson

Ian Fozard may have quite a lot on his plate with major changes at his Rooster’s Brewery, but that hasn’t stopped him from also campaigning for radical change to beer tax and small breweries relief in his role as chairman of SIBA

Mindful drinking: brewers have finally cracked low and no-alcohol beer, says Pete Brown


Why Dry January is working for me

By Pete Brown

Improved technologies in de-alcoholising beer means people can enjoy products that used to be unpalatable

Waste management: Nick Burns from Robinsons Brewery explores the areas where pubs are wasting food, and money


Turning food waste into extra cash

By Nick Burns

Nick Burns, food development manager at Robinsons Brewery, highlights how his company has tackled food waste and how pubs can convert it into extra cash.

Passion for beer: Ben Lockwood believes immersing oneself in the business is key to success

The Big Interview

BrewDog bound Ben Lockwood optimistic for UK on-trade

By Nicholas Robinson

Mitchells & Butlers’ beer and cider procurement manager Ben Lockwood’s passion for the sector has propelled him to the top of his game. But what’s next for the man who knows almost everyone in the trade now he’s moving to BrewDog?

Sector pride: Keith Knowles sees issues in the sector, but believes we can get over them

The Big Interview

Pub boss: As a sector ‘we need to change our image’

By Nicholas Robinson

Pub has become a bit of a dirty word over the years. Not from within our sector, of course, but it has been loaded with negative connotations by outsiders who have been quick to cast their aspersions on the trade.

More than a logo: the Bass red triangle is not just a mark of ownership but a pledge of quality as well.


In the brand scheme of things

By Pete Brown

As JDW distances itself from being a ‘brand’, Pete Brown looks at why its identity is, in fact, its key strength

Children in pubs: The Morning Advertiser's editor, Ed Bedington, gives his thoughts on the 'age-old debate of children in pubs'


Those young 'uns are your future

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser's editor, Ed Bedington, gives his thoughts on the 'age-old debate of children in pubs'.

Eight [years] has been great: Nikkie Sutton, senior food and drink reporter at The Morning Advertiser


Why I still work in a pub

By Nikkie Sutton

For me, my local pub means so many things. It’s the place where I met my soon-to-be husband; made relationships with some of my best friends; somewhere I can walk into at any time of the day (or night); and it’s also where I feel safe and part of a community.

Good position: Charles Wells is set for its next chapter

Big Interview

Charles Wells reveals estate expansion and brewery details

By Nicholas Robinson

After selling its brewery and several key brands for £55m to Marston’s last year, Charles Wells is setting its sights on the future with pub acquisitions and the rollout of new beers from a modern brewery.

Just pawfect: The Fox and Hounds has received multiple awards for being dog friendly

My Pub: the UK's most dog-friendly pub, the Fox and Hounds, Reading

By Georgina Townshend

Managers Jayne Tilsley and Miles Teece know a thing or two about keeping families and their four-legged friends happy. After winning multiple awards for keeping our canine companions content, Tilsley talks about what makes the UK’s most dog-friendly pub...

Keyboard warriors: Peeved punters taking to the internet to complain are becoming a recurring problem for publicans

Opinion: TripDespiser strikes again

By Pete Brown

A reasonable approach to unreasonable on-line reviews is the best policy in order to make it clear to observers that the reviewer is the one in the wrong.

Gig dreams: Will pubs always provide a place for live music?

Opinion: Pub music, food of love?

By Sophie Atherton

Times change, of course. Live music is not as commonplace as it once was and beer choices have improved hugely – but it’s hospitality that we crave.

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