Average salary rises by more than a quarter

Survey says: the report revealed findings from more than 700 respondents in the hospitality sector (image: Getty/georgeclerk)

The average salary for hospitality workers has increased by more than a quarter over the past year, a report has revealed.

The Happiness in Hospitality report has been released by CODE Hospitality and is its fourth official survey of the industry as a workplace.

The survey was its biggest to date with more than 700 industry professionals revealing why they work in the sector.

Highlights of the report were almost seven in 10 (67%) of those working in hospitality cited ‘passion’ as the reason they entered the sector while two fifths (42%) said they were attracted to their employer because of the brand.

Some 71% would recommend hospitality to others as a career choice but, this was down slightly from 2021 (73%).

Salary amount

The report also revealed the average salary in the sector has increased from last year by 29% – up from £34,750 to £44,722.

Staff retention was also looked at in the report and it found it had dropped over the past 12 months.

In 2021, the retention rate staff who had been with their current employer for more than two plus years was at 45% for front-of-house workers whereas in 2022, this had fallen to 39%.

For back-of-house, it was 55% last year but 39% this year and in head office, it had decreased from 61% to 51%.

However, a quarter (25%) were unsure whether they would still be working in hospitality in a year’s time.

Report findings

More than a third (37%) of respondents said hours were their least favourite part about working in the sector.

Furthermore, almost half (48%) of those surveyed joined the sector because they enjoy working with people while 18% said one of their least favourite parts of their job was dealing with customers.

CODE Hospitality founder Adam Hyman said: “We are pleased to have published our Happiness in Hospitality report for 2022.

“This year’s report looks at the reasons why people enter a career in hospitality and how operators are best placed to retain them.

“We hope this year’s report gives an in-depth insight into the current situation within the hospitality industry and encourages operators attracting new talent to celebrate these ‘hospitality magicians’."