The Hospitality Leaders Poll, which is conducted by Lumina Intelligence on behalf of The Morning Advertiser, MCA, Big Hospitality and Restaurant, quizzed 179 operators of which, 34% said the support was not helpful or long enough.
Just over one-in-10 (13%) respondents stated the extension provided a lot of meaningful support and was vital support for their business.
Meanwhile, the survey also asked operators which approaches would solve rent arrears issues. The most popular choice (40%) was for the Government to provide grants for landlords to pay arrears.
Rent options
Close to a third (30%) wanted a review of commercial tenant and landlord legislation while a quarter (26%) would prefer debts to be written off.
One fifth (20%) would like new models of rent payment while 13% think Government mediation over negotiations would solve the issue and 16% believe the Government should stay out of it completely and that tenants and landlords should reach their own agreements.
Respondents were also asked how much they agreed the Government’s plan for a review into the commercial tenant and landlord relationship will find a way out of the rent crisis.
Confidence levels
Most operators neither agreed nor disagreed (28%) or were not sure (26%). About a fifth (22%) and just 13% agreed, with 6% strongly disagreeing and 5% strong agreeing.
The poll has asked operators on the levels of confidence they have in the future of their business each week.
The latest edition found 69% had some levels of confidence with the remaining third (31%) ‘not confident’.
This was similar to the week before where three quarters (75%) were confident and the remaining quarter not so.