Greene King smashes £5m target for Macmillan Cancer Support

Charitable: staff and punters at Greene King have raised over £5m for Macmillan Cancer Support

Greene King has raised a staggering £5m for Macmillan Cancer Support – in just six years.

Team members and customers at Greene King outlets across the country have taken part in a variety of different ways to raise money including running marathons, baking cakes and climbing mountains.

Greene King and Macmillan has been working together tirelessly since 2012 to raise as much money as possible for cancer research.

Having originally set a goal to raise £1m over three years, the pub company and brewer exceeded that target a year early and the partnership has continued to thrive and spread across all areas of the business.

The money raised will be used by Macmillan to fund a variety of cancer-care professionals – including iconic Macmillan nurses – who provide vital medical advice, as well as helping people to navigate treatment.

Lynda Thomas, chief executive at Macmillan Cancer Support, said that Greene King plays a vital part in their existence.

“A huge thank you to all of Greene King’s staff and customers for their amazing support,” Thomas exclaimed.

“Without this generosity we simply wouldn’t be able to fund the Macmillan professionals and services that support people with cancer across the UK when they need it most.”

Rooney Anand, chief executive officer at Greene King, spoke of his delight at raising the huge figure.

“We are proud of how our team members have worked tirelessly with real passion and enthusiasm to raise much needed funds to support people with cancer,” Anand said.

“And, with our Pennies scheme about to launch across all of our pubs, this will further increase the donations we generate for this important cause.”

The Pennies initiative, a digital alternative to the traditional collection tin, invites Greene King customers to make a 25p donation to charity when they pay by card.

And, with over 1,700 pubs nationwide, Anand claims a 25p donation will make a “big difference”, accumulating a predicted £1m extra spending money for Macmillan in the course of a year.