Siren Craft Brew commits to cask with Draft House listing

Berkshire-based Siren Craft Brew has announced details of a new partnership with pub chain Draft House.

The deal will see at least one cask Siren beer on the bar of all 13 Draft House bars on a permanent basis, while the brewery has also brewed a special beer exclusively available to Draft House venues for the duration of the Six Nations rugby tournament.

Ruck ’n’ Maul has been produced with six malts and six hops, and will be available across Draft House sites throughout the rugby tournament. The brewery describes the beer as having “stone fruit and citrus aromas, following through with clean citrus and berry notes in the taste”.

Rotating selection

The brewery will visit Draft House venues every week to supply them with fresh cask products from its range, including Yu Lu (a 3.6% ABV loose leaf pale ale), Undercurrent (a 4% ABV oatmeal pale ale), Sound Wave (a 5.6% West Coast IPA), Liquid Mistress (a 5.8% red IPA) and Broken Dream (a 6.5% breakfast stout).

Siren Craft Brew founder Darron Anley said: “The new agreement firms a long-standing relationship between Siren and Draft House. Both of us continue to be strong supporters of serving flavour-forward, quality modern cask beer in the best condition possible.”

Unique national product

Draft House founder Charlie McVeigh added: “I love drinking cask ale. And this partnership with Siren will give us the chance to collaborate on brewing, cellaring and serving some of the finest cask ale known to humanity.

“In a world that increasingly claims to value the authentic, I find it astonishing that so many brewers and craft beer fanatics are turning their back on our unique, delicious national drink.

“Well, here at the Draft House we’re standing shoulder to shoulder with Siren and our many other cask partners to turn that around in 2018. And we will... one sensational pint at a time.”