Historic pubs
An interactive map showing 16 historical pubs at risk and one rescued site
The annual register aims to bring attention to the sites across England that are at risk of being lost as a result of neglect, decay or inappropriate development.
The number of former pubs on the at-risk list has actually decreased by one, with the Flying Scotsman in King's Cross, central London, removed from this year's list of at-risk sites. However, worse news for the capital comes in the fact that 13 of the 16 sites deemed to be at risk are located within the M25.
Chief executive of Historic England, Duncan Wilson, said: “Across the country, thousands of historic sites are at risk of being lost. Many lie decaying and neglected, and the gap between the cost of repair and their end value is growing.
"The good news is that this year, there are fewer entries on the Heritage at Risk register than last year."
You can explore an interactive map of the former pubs deemed to be at risk below.