Bar staff insider: Dear customers, how to order a drink

Customers, please take note. Clicking at us until your fingers get friction burn won’t get you a drink. What about whistling, you may ask?

Well, take a look. Do we have four legs, a tail and woof our response to you? No, therefore we are not a dog and so whistling will not get you a drink.


You can leave your money on top of your empty glass, but expecting bar staff to suddenly become mind readers and know exactly what you want without having to ask while you toddle off to the toilet, will end in an empty glass. Shouting “Oi!” won’t get you anywhere either. We know the names of each and every one of the regulars, so become one and you’ll get served quicker – honest.


“Please” and “thank you” go a long way when you have been on your feet for 14 hours with vodka-smelling shoes, vomit-covered toilets and beer-stained bars.