BII announces scholarship winners

British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) Scotland have announced the champions of two unique scholarship chances, the BII Scotland Lausanne Scholarship and the Gleneagles Scholarship.

These two scholarships were launched at the BII Scotland Awards ceremony in May this year in collaboration with Hospitality Industry Trust (HIT) Scotland and premium drinks brand Diageo.


The Lausanne Scholarship was awarded to Giovanna Eusebi from Italian delicatessen Eusebi Deli, which has two sites in Glasgow. She will be going on a three-day hotel management course in Lausanne, Switzerland to take part in one of the world’s oldest hotel management courses.

Winner of the Gleneagles Scholarship was Kelsey Wood from Edinburgh’s Boda Bars. Kelsey will be going to Gleneagles golf resort and attending a three-day placement where she will learn about standards, service and quality.

The launch was to mark the group’s 30th anniversary and the scholarships were open to all attendees at the event along with their employees. The winners were chosen by BII Scotland Council from the six candidates who best showcased their commitment and passion for the industry.


Vice chairman of BII Scotland, Jo Graham said: “We are delighted to be able to offer young talented individuals within the industry a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will hopefully stand them in good stead for the future.

“Myself and David Cochrane from HIT Scotland, the charity with the mission to assist people to achieve their potential within Scottish hospitality, conducted face-to-face interviews with the five finalists and from these selected the most suitable individual for each scholarship. Those who were not offered the scholarship have kindly been offered a place in HIT Scotland’s main programme.”

Chief executive of HIT, David Cochrane said they were also delighted with the calibre and quality of the industry professionals who were interviewed: “The winners stood out and are a credit to the industry with their enthusiasm and product knowledge. I hope this inspires future candidates to look at their development and take advantage of the opportunities available.

“Both scholarship winners will be attending BII Scotland’s annual AGM on 24 November this year at West Brewery, Glasgow where they will feed back on their experience and how they feel this opportunity will benefit their hospitality careers.”