The FSA figures show 83.7% of outlets owned by the biggest high street food chains were given the best food hygiene rating of five.
The data gives the percentage of 0 - 5 ratings of the top 20 biggest high street chains.
The FSA found that of the largest twenty food chains, Wetherspoon’s alongside Pret A Manger had the highest proportion of 5 ratings -93.1%.
Catriona Stewart, who heads up the FSA’s Food Hygiene Ratings Scheme said: “Our latest data shows how seriously high street chains take food hygiene. We want to build on the success of the scheme over its first five years and reduce consumer risk even further by encouraging people to ‘look before they book.’
“Telling people about hygiene standards in food outlets in a way that is clear and easy to understand has made a real difference. We’ve seen standards improve and more and more businesses are able to show their customers that they take food hygiene seriously.
"It’s really easy to check the hygiene rating of a food business just go to the Food Standards Agency website at “
The ratings are determined by local authority food safety officers and run from 0 - 5, with a 5 rating meaning very good food hygiene standards.
Wetherspoon founder and chairman Tim Martin said: “Food hygiene is of paramount importance to our customers and rightly so.
“Our pub management and staff work hard to ensure that our pubs offer customers the highest levels of food hygiene at all times. We are extremely pleased that our pubs offer the best standards of food hygiene in the FSA ratings over the past five years and we will strive to maintain and improve our ratings in the coming months and years.
“Wetherspoon has 950 pubs across the UK and our aim is to maintain the highest standards at each and every pub.”