MRO briefings back by popular demand

Following the success of previous events and demand from members, the Federation of Licenced Victuallers will host an extra market rent only briefing later this month. 

The briefing, which will be free to all licensees, aims to help publicans understand the implications of the legislation for their businesses.

FVLA Operations Director Martin Caffrey said: “Although there is still considerable detail to emerge from secondary legislation we feel it is important to give licensees an overview of facts as they are known at this point. The FLVA continue to be involved with Government Ministers and Officials by lobbying on behalf of the individual Tied Licensee and providing requested input to this all important secondary legislation.”

Leading voices in the trade have already stressed that licensees must make sure they understand the legislation and be prepared to use it if the role of pubs adjudicator is to be successful. According to grocery code adjudicator Christine Tacon, the role that the pubs adjudicator is heavily based on, a lack of knowledge about the code has hampered her work.

Tacon said: “There is an added dimension to my work: to promote the need to be trained in the code. Far too many suppliers are still coming to meet me to learn for the first time about a law that is there to protect them.

Member of the Pubs Advisory Service have expressed concerns about the lack of detail that is known about the secondary legislation.

The FVLA briefing will be held on the 28 September in Norwich at the Walnut Tree Shades pub.