Time to get behind Beer Day Britain

Save the date - 15 June is Beer Day Britain - a chance for pubs and beer lovers to celebrate our national tipple.

Beer Day Britain is about all beer - real ale, pilsner lager, kegged ale, bottled, and canned beer - no matter what the format, packaging or brand. The current golden age for beer is confirmed by the news that in an era when overall consumption of alcohol in the UK is decreasing, beer's share of the drinks market is 36% - its highest rate since 1995 (2014 statistics from the BBPA).

15 June is also the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta when there will be national and international celebrations to mark it. Ale is mentioned in clause 35 of Magna Carta and its historical significant is the reason why I suggested 15 June as the official date to celebrate British beer.

I am devoted to British beer and pubs - I evang-ale-ise and write about them, I make a living from them, and I even dream about them! I was astonished to learn that Britain is the only major brewing nation not to have a national beer day especially given this country's historic influence in spreading the desire for beer to all of earth's hemispheres.

Today more styles of beer originally developed in Britain are made around the world that those of any other brewing nation. Not only is Britain a brewing powerhouse but our pub scene is the envy of the world and is one of the country's greatest social assets.

'National Cheers'

Publicans, brewers and beer drinkers - Beer Day Britain will not succeed without your support so will you join in the celebrations?

The main activity on 15 June will be a National Cheers to Beer and Magna Carta which will happen at 12.15pm (the time relates to the year the great charter was sealed). We are encouraging people to go to a pub and raise a glass to hail beer and Magna Carta.

This brilliant idea was suggested by Georgina Wald, Fuller's Communications Manager. The aim is to trend on Twitter with #CheersBDB.

Several pub chains have already committed to participating in Beer Day Britain and CAMRA is marshaling its considerable volunteer enthusiasm. We are encouraging everyone who makes, sells, or drinks beer to take ownership of Beer Day Britain and celebrate the day.

Whether that is brewers making celebratory beers, breweries hosting open days; pubs hosting special events; beer lovers trying to convert a non-beer drinker by taking them to the pub and buying them a drink; and everyone who uses social media helping to spread the word to make Beer Day Britain the world's best national beer day.

Get involved

For more suggestions of ways to get involved please download the information pack from the Beer Day Britain website. You can also find social media contacts and free artwork for the logo and beer mat. 

The biggest challenge will be to persuade the general public to join in but that is where social media is invaluable in building the FOMO factor (Fear of Missing Out). If we do that then the pubs will be full of people on 15 June and we'll have a national beer celebration that makes everyone happy!


Jane Peyton is a Beer Sommelier, writer, founder of the School of Booze and instigator of Beer Day Britain