Growth was +0.1% for food and -0.2% for drink. Like-for-likes across the 42 weeks to 19 July grew 0.7% (food: +8%, drink: +0.6%), and across the 52 weeks to 20 September, like-for-like growth was 0.6%, with food up 0.7% and drink up 0.5%.
M&B said: “Having seen an improvement in demand in July following the World Cup, trading conditions during August were difficult in the pub market, as consumers remained cautious about spending and rainfall was significantly higher than last year.”
The company said margins “remain below last year, as a result of lower levels of sales and also of spend per head, as we moderate price increases to drive volume back into our sites”.
The 173 former Orchid sites continue to “trade well and in line with our expectations”. “Our investment plans are progressing and we are on track to have converted the first few sites to our brands prior to Christmas this year. Integration planning is proceeding at pace.”
New sites
In addition to the Orchid transaction, M&B have opened 22 new sites and converted or expanded nine sites this financial year.
The company said that during the period it “continued to make progress in improving our volume performance through delivering on our key initiatives”.
“Notably, we have focused on: enhancing amenity (our accelerated remodel programme generates strong returns and food rating scores continue to improve); improving guest service (through increased investment in training) and investment in IT infrastructure (new pub systems have been rolled out to more than 1,000 outlets alongside new technology to deliver enhanced management information to our frontline teams). As a result, we are confident in the strong platform we are building from which to grow momentum as we move into 2015.”
Alistair Darby, chief executive, said: “Despite a difficult trading period in the last quarter, the transformation of our business is well on track. Coupled with the successful integration of the Orchid estate, this gives us confidence in our future growth prospects.”