FSA advises caterers on safe handling of eggs

By Elliot Kuruvita

- Last updated on GMT

The FSA has advised caterers to keep eggs separate from other foods
The FSA has advised caterers to keep eggs separate from other foods
The Food Standards Agency is reminding caterers of its advice on the safe handling of eggs.

There is strong circumstantial evidence to suggest that eggs used in catering establishments may be linked to the recent outbreak of salmonella in England along with further evidence to indicate that cases in Europe with the same strains of salmonella are also associated with the consumption of eggs.

The FSA is reminding caterers of the following advice:

  • Keep eggs away from other foods – when they are still in the shell and when you have cracked them open
  • Don’t use dirty of damaged eggs
  • Don’t splash raw egg onto other foods, surfaces or dishes
  • If you are breaking eggs to use later (pooling) keep the liquid egg in the fridge and take out small amounts as needed
  • Use all pooled liquid egg on the same day and don’t add new eggs to top it up
  • Cook eggs and foods containing eggs thoroughly
  • Use pasteurised eggs for raw or lightly cooked foods
  • Always wash and dry hands thoroughly after touching or working with eggs
  • Clean food areas, dishes and utensils thoroughly and regularly using warm soapy water after working with eggs
  • Serve egg dishes straight away or cool them quickly and keep chilled 

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