Guide to traditional pub etiquette published

A lighthearted and non-politically correct instruction guide on how to behave in pubs has been published.

The Manners and Protocol of Drinking in British Pubs, written by Clive Bennett, is claimed to be a definitive guide on how customers should conduct themselves, whether they are after “that perfect swift half or all-night lock-in”.

Bennett, an athletics coach and part-time plumber, said the book makes vital reading for those who have never been in a pub before, as well as the regulars.

With chapter titles including The Young Drinker, What to Wear, The Whip Round, Barmaids and Dogs in Pubs, Bennett said he starts right at the very basics, from how to approach a bar and get served, to cover complex matters “such as where to put your pint when you need one hand to pull down your fly and another to steady yourself against the toilet wall”.


He explained: “How many other books cover that complex topic of knowing whether or not you need to wash your hands if you’ve only gone for a splash-and-dash?

“Or if making an advance to a gorgeous young barmaid is considered sexist? By the way, on that last point – you’d better make sure she isn’t the landlord’s daughter!”

Bennett claimed nobody is excluded from the target audience and,the guide makes a perfect read while enjoying a cold one down at your local.

“Of course, those who don’t have pubs ‘back home’ – people I feel very sorry for – can prepare themselves to enter and enjoy a British pub like a native.”

A Kindle version of the guide is available to order for 77p from Amazon.