White claimed he was left out of pocket because Andrew Parton and Peter Featherman had breached an agreement relating to the running of The Yew Tree at Highclere, near Newbury. He said he had lost out on shares worth about £175,000 and claimed damages from the pair.
But Mr Justice Morgan dismissed his claim following a hearing in London, and ruled that Whitemust pay all the costs of the case.
He said: “I find that Mr White’s witness statement is far more reconstruction than it is recollection. He was plainly an unreliable witness. Mr White was not straightforward. He was not honest in his evidence. I would also question his intelligence in bringing the claim at all.
“Mr White has been a bit of an idiot. It may be he has been a dishonest idiot on top. He is a wealthy man. He brought utterly misconceived proceedings.”
Lawyers estimated that the chef could be left with a bill for as much as £500k.
Cirrus Inns acquired the site last year.