MA300: McMullens boss accuses Government of 'rape and pillaging' the industry

The MD of McMullens has accused the Government of “rape and pillaging” pub businesses with its taxation policies.

Speaking at the MA300 event earlier this week, Peter Furness-Smith accused politicians of failing to understand the real problems facing the pub trade and slammed their investigations into the beer tie.

He said:  “Instead of blaming the tie for the difficulties of our industry why can’t they see and there is one and it is the increasing and unsustainable level of taxation.

“How can Government expect companies like ours to continue to invest in pubs when they take out of our businesses in taxation? In McMullen’s case around 400% more than we make in profit and furthermore their share of the cake – despite their cut in duty – continues to grow.

“It is crystal clear to me that our politicians should acknowledge and focus on the real problem which is the rape and pillage of our businesses and not on yet another review of the tie or any other marginal whim of theirs.”

He urged politicians to focus on the excessive taxation and get behind the VAT reduction campaign.