Fair Deal for Your Local campaign head to Wales

The Fair Deal for Your Local campaign went to Wales yesterday to meet with Welsh Assembly Members to discuss pubco reform.

The campaign was set up in May and was launched by 10 organisations, including the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), Federation of Small Businesses, the Forum of Private Business and various licensees’ groups, with the aim of ensuring the Government gives local pubs a fair deal and stops the overcharging by big pub owning companies.  

A rally at the House of Commons earlier this week saw over 100 licensees support calls for a ‘market rent-only option’.

The  Government has committed to introducing a statutory code of practice and an adjudicator to manage the pubco tenant relationship with the consultation on the issue is to close on 14 June.

Greg Mulholland MP, Co-ordinator of the Fair Deal for Your Local campaign and Chair of the Parliamentary Save the Pub Group said:

 “The Fair Deal for Your Local campaign is crucial for the future of many Welsh pubs & important to the Welsh economy.”

Phil Jones, Welsh spokesperson for Fair Deal for Your Local & Fair Pint & Licensees Supporting Licensees member said: “It has been great to have the chance to meet Welsh Assembly members and to tell them why we need a Fair Deal for Your Local for pubs in Wales. We have been well received and they are all too aware of the problems facing pubco tied pubs, with them failing and closing all over Wales due to the unfairness of the pubco tie.”