In a parliamentary motion, he explained that McDonalds has listed pub conversions among desired sites for development. It is offering a £20,000 introductory fee to anyone who puts suggests a suitable site.
The chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Save the Pub Group wrote: “[That this House] acknowledges that this practice will contribute to the decline of the Great British pub; recognises that the current planning system allows the demolition of freestanding pubs and the conversion of pubs to restaurants, supermarkets, betting shops and payday loan shops without planning permission, which means that companies like McDonald’s and others are intentionally targeting and converting viable, wanted pubs for non-pub use without the community having a say.”
Mulholland reiterated his calls for the Government to close the planning loophole so that all changes of use or demolitions go through the planning process. The early day motion has been signed by three MPs.