JD Wetherspoon pub in Leicester serves special ale to celebrate discovery of Richard III

By Adam Pescod

- Last updated on GMT

JD Wetherspoon pub in Leicester serves special ale to celebrate discovery of Richard III
A JD Wetherspoon pub in Leicester is serving a specially-produced beer to celebrate the discovery of the body of Richard III.

The Last Plantagenet pub is a short walk from Grey Friars, where the bones of the last Plantagenet king were discovered, and is serving an exclusive ale to toast the occasion.

‘Last Plantagenet’ ale (4.4% ABV) has been brewed by Nottingham-based Medieval Beers, who also produce ‘War of the Roses’, the significant last battle at Bosworth Field, where Richard III was slain in 1485.

Suzanne Hatton, manager at the Last Plantagenet, said: “We have been keeping our regular customers up to date with news from the dig, on our community board at the pub, for the past three months.

“As the pub is named after Richard III, it was only fitting that we should mark his discovery in some way, and the ‘Last Plantagenet’ ale is proving a very popular pint.”

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