Swindon Pubwatch scheme sees 58% reduction in drink-related crime

The introduction of a Night Safe programme in Swindon has led to a 58% reduction in drink-related crime in October compared with the same period last year.

Night Safe is run by the local pubwatch and business improvement district InSwindon. It has banned 55 people so far.

Swindon Pubwatch, which is chaired by Paul Mellor, manager of Yates, said that the scheme has helped “identify consistent trouble makers within the town”.

A statement from Swindon Pubwatch said: “We are very much happy with our process and want to ensure the people that do want to come out to enjoy themselves will not have their night ruined by the few. We still have a long way to go and have been consistent in our banning of trouble makers. It has been huge benefit working with local police officer Michael Diffin and InSwindon. We all share the same goals.”

Diffin, who is the night time economy beat manager, added: “This is a fantastic performance by all involved.

“I believe that the reduction is down to more pro-active policing within the night time economy and the increased use of bans by pubwatch to exclude trouble makers from the area thus making a safer environment.

“To me this is what partnership working is all about all parties using there skills working together to resolve issues and to provide a safe environment for the public.”