Punch issues proceedings against Dave Mountford

Punch Partnerships has issued legal proceedings against licensee Dave Mountford of the Rising Sun, Middleton, Derbyshire.

Punch and Mountford will be heading to court over the lease of the pub.

Mountford has been involved in a high-profile spat with Punch over his rent-review terms as the pubco wanted to increase his rent from £14,211.84 per annum to £24,000.

Mountford issued a section 26 against Punch on 16 November 2011 asking the company to consider a new lease and rent from June 2012. This notice gives business tenants security of tenure and the right to renew the tenancy when it comes to an end. However, the section 26 means that either side needs to issue court proceedings to resolve the matter.

A document of proceedings has been issued to Mountford detailing a new tenancy for a term of five years and rent of £22,000 per annum.

It is thought likely that the case will not be heard in front of a judge until the end of 2012.