PICAS panel chairman appointed

The newly-formed Pub Independent Conciliation Advisory Service (PICAS) has elected Rodger Vickers as chairman of the panel that will review disputes between pubcos and tenants.

Vickers has a wealth of experience as a chartered surveyor in licensed property and has been a practice consultant at agent Brownill Vickers since 1964.

He has acted as an advisor to PIRRS (Pubs Independent Rent Review Scheme) since 2009.

PICAS, which is expected to be up and running at the end of February, is part of the self-regulation deal between the British Beer & Pub Association and the Government in the wake of the Business, Innovation & Skills Committee (BISC) report.

It is understood that 31 panel members have been agreed after discussions between trade associations. It is expected that between five and six people will listen to each case.

PICAS will initially operate under PIRRS, which will retain responsibility for arbitrating rent-review disputes.

PICAS will eventually operate alongside PIRRS and resolve disputes between the pubcos and their tenants on issues other than rent, and will have the ability to provide compensation if tenants are ruled to have been treated unfairly.

Vickers, who has acted on behalf of both licensees and pubcos in rent-review disputes, told the PMA he sees this as a “real opportunity” to put something back to the industry.

He decided to take on the role after being asked last week.

Vickers added: “Most of my work is acting as an arbitrator and as an independent expert on rent reviews. I have been critical of some of the things that have gone on with pub companies.”

However, there was some concern about Vickers’s appointment among campaigners.

Fair Pint’s Simon Clarke said: “There is a perception he is Punch’s surveyor. He is acting for Punch against licensees Dave Mountford and George Scott.

“To Fair Pint, this is as inappropriate as me being chairman would be to Punch and Enterprise.”

Licensee Dave Mountford, of the Rising Sun pub in Middleton, Derbyshire, who is in dispute with Punch — his pubco — added: “I think it is an appalling decision.

“For him to be put in charge of an independent panel is ridiculous.

“He is set to come to my pub to justify a 60% rent increase this week.”

Last week, the Government came under increasing political pressure to take action over the pubco-tenant relationship, as the BISC is sending a letter to the Government asking for details on how it plans to implement an independent panel to monitor the pubco-tenant relationship.